[Pythonmac-SIG] Cocoa apps in Python?

Bob Ippolito bob@redivi.com
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 17:13:33 -0500

On Wednesday, Feb 19, 2003, at 16:41 America/New_York, Just van Rossum 
>     [obj foo:x bar:y]
> translates to
>     obj.foo_bar_(x, y)  # note the funny underscores
> The canonical way to spell the ObjC method signature is
>     foo:bar:

While we're on the newbie subject here, how exactly are we supposed to 
make selectors?  I've had no problems just passing 'foo:bar:' - but is 
there a objc.something('foo:bar'), 
objc.something(SomeWrapper.foo_bar_), or 
objc.something(someInstance.foo_bar_) preferred method that I should be 
aware of?

I think we need a Wiki for the FAQ.. so it can write itself, without 
necessarily giving us all CVS and/or website access.
