[Pythonmac-SIG] Help me make the PC to MAC transition!

Etienne Posthumus etienne at cs.vu.nl
Wed Aug 20 14:32:09 EDT 2003

On woensdag, aug 20, 2003, at 00:32 Europe/Amsterdam, Travis Seymour 
> I'm in need of a step-by-step guide to setting up the webserver (I 
> understand it's very easy on the mac) and then getting FAQ WIZARD 
> installed.
> I understand a good bit about OSs and computers in general, and a 
> moderate amount of unix and shells.
> However, since I know relatively little about OSX (have not yet fired 
> up a terminal window), you would have to be pretty explicit.

Hi Travis

What you are actually asking is: "How do I set up and run CGI on OS X?"
This is only vaguely related to Python on the Mac.

OS X comes with Apache 1.3 installed 'out-of-the-box'. So you need 
simply need to switch on the 'Personal Web Sharing' button in the 
System Preferences panel, and you have a webserver running on your 

You then follow the same procedure for configuring a directory to use 
for CGI as with any other Apache install (even if it is on Linux or 
some other OS).

The configuration file is at: /private/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
(which is symlinked in the root too).

A bit of Googling on setting up CGI is your best bet.

Etienne Posthumus

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