[Pythonmac-SIG] Problem with PackageManager

Andrae Muys andrae.muys at braintree.com.au
Mon Aug 18 18:54:30 EDT 2003

I've been banging my head against this for a couple of weeks now and 
haven't had any success.  I have installed MacPython-2.3, on an iBook 
running MacOSX 10.2.6.  However everytime I try to run the 
PackageManager I get the same error:

"Unspecified error while parsing database: 
Usually, this means the database is not correctly formatted.

See MacPython Package Manager help page."

Which isn't all that useful.  I have tried reinstalling MacPython 
numerous times.  I have tried downloading the .plist file manually and 
pointing PackageManager at the file using OpenURL.  I have checked the 
.plist file in vim to ensure it looks sane.

All attempts result in the same error.  I am hoping someone can suggest 
what the problem might be.

Andrae Muys

  Andrae Muys    <andrae.muys at braintree.com.au>
  Engineer       Braintree Communications
   "Now, allowing captured continuations to be inspected and altered at
    runtime (including binding mutation, complete rebinding of scopes,
    and call tree mutation)...  *that* is really evil.  And, I should
    point out, quite useful."        - Dan Sugalski

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