2.3.1 and 2.3 compatibility (was: [Pythonmac-SIG] Dialogs)

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Thu Aug 7 00:39:11 EDT 2003

This touches on a larger subject that I'd like to discuss here, hence 
the change of subject.

On woensdag, 6 augustus 2003, at 17:16PM, Schollnick, Benjamin wrote:
>> There is a hack, but it will only work once: call MacOS.WMAvailable().
>> The first time you call this it will try
>> GetCurrentProcess/SetFrontProcess,
>> but unfortunately for this use case it caches the result in a static
>> variable.
>> [...]
> What about a small change to MacOs.WMAvailable ()?
> For example...
> def	MacOs.WMAvailable ( cache = True):
> 	if not cache:
> 		<<Call GetcurrentProcess...etc>>
> 	else:
> 		<<Normal routine>>
> In other words, it's behavior would be the same, except we could 
> override
> the
> cache...

Python officially has the rule that micro-releases contain bug fixes 
But this rule has often been interpreted as "micro-releases shouldn't 
working code, except when they actually rely on the buggy behaviour, 
is very unlikely, and silly too". Note that the two statements are 
the second is only about backward compatibility, the first one might be
interpreted as being about forward compatibility too.

MacPython has a history of taking the term "bug fix" to unprecedented 
We've simply told people to upgrade, which worked because of the 
relatively small

But all that is changed if Apple decides to include Python 2.3 in MacOS 
there are going to be a few hundred active MacPython users (at least, 
who can reasonably be expected to upgrade to 2.3.1, but millions of 
users out there who will remain at 2.3 until the next release of MacOSX.

In other words: if we add a feature to an API in 2.3.1 (calling it "bug 
the active developers will be tempted to use it. But once their 
software comes
in the hands of a new MacPython convert it will crash.

For this reason I think we have to be extremely conservative in 
including anything
that would not be both backward and forward compatible into 2.3.1.

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