[Pythonmac-SIG] where does the documentation go?

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Thu Aug 7 00:55:54 EDT 2003

On woensdag, 6 augustus 2003, at 19:59PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:

> I'm using MacPython 2.3 on OS X and have the documentation installed  
> via
> the package manager. However, I'd like to link to it from my normal web
> browser and I've had no luck tracking down the html files. They don't
> appear to be in the framework itself, nor in /Library/Documentation nor
> in ~/Library/Documentation nor...we'll, I've looked a lot of places but
> obviously not the right one!

They are in  
Python.app/Contents/Resources. The reason for this is that when I  
initially put them in the framework Apple Help Viewer refused to  
recognize them, it seems it really is only interested in .app bundles.

And, to answer Israel's message too: standard web browsers can handle  
them just fine, there's a few additions to the html files that bother  
no-one. And the one thing that Apple Help Viewer has in it's favor is  
the index. Now if only it would let me find things through the Help  
Viewer and then provided a popup menu or a button to view the results  
in a decent browser...

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