[Pythonmac-SIG] Trouble with MacPython 2.3 on 10.2.6

Adam Augustine adama at augustinefam.org
Tue Aug 5 16:59:32 EDT 2003

I should start out by saying that my experience with Mac OS X and Python 
is pretty limited, though I have a decent Unix background.

I am running 10.2.6 and downloaded and installed MacPython 2.3. I have 
not been able to get the PackageManager, PythonIDE, nor BuildApplet to 
run. All fail with the following error in the console:

Aug  5 15:41:57 Blue WindowServer[1360]: ERROR! 
returned, err=22

Replaceing "BuildApplet" with the respective application name.

I am unable to find a satifactory/official explanation of this error by 
googling and searching info.apple.com. The closest I can find is a 
statement on someone's weblog that the application was compiled for a 
different CPU, which seems unlikely to me (in case it really does 
matter, I am running a G3 300 Mhz).

I am trying to run a Tkinter app (Pyla, a fax client for HylaFAX), and 
downloaded MacPython 2.3 when I found out the 10.2 built-in python 
didn't support Tkinter.

I the course of trying to get this to work, I have also installed 

While I suppose it I could give compiling from scratch a go, I am 
reluctant since I need to deploy this on all the Macs in the company I 
set this up for, and having pretty installers always makes the client 
happy. I am not too comfortable building an installer for Mac OS X 
(unless someone has a recipe for doing it)

Can anyone help me out? What am I doing wrong?


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