[Pythonmac-SIG] Has anyone running vtk+python on OSX?

bob at redivi.com bob at redivi.com
Fri Aug 1 11:27:06 EDT 2003

On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:04:48PM +0200, Torsten Sadowski wrote:
> Great news,
> I would also be interested in the things you did to make it work, because
> - the carbon version did not build because of a problem between the tk and
> 	the carbon framework
> - the python test failed because the wrapper libraries were not linked
> 	together.

That's what it look like to me.  It looks like their Python wrappers are currently expecting -flat_namespace -undefined suppress and a specific import order.. but Python is not linking the .so's that way.

The best way to do this would be to fix the VTK build process so that it links hte dependent libraries together and doesn't mess up.  That's really NOT the way to do extension->extension dependencies in Python, though.


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