[Pythonmac-SIG] PackageManager / Python 2.3.x - 2.4 ideas

Schollnick, Benjamin Benjamin.Schollnick at usa.xerox.com
Fri Aug 1 10:26:02 EDT 2003

> > I mostly agree... as I indicated, I had a learning curve, but my 
> > threading generally works fine...  
> >
> > (I've only had to thread two apps / libraries.  And that was a while
> > ago....) 
> >
> > I was really attempting to see what he thought "Sucks" 
> about the Threading
> > model.... To see if I agreed, or might be able to help...
> AIUI, the "threading sucks" viewpoint has more-or-less nothing to do
> with Python.  Some of the reasons I mistrust threading are explained
> very well in
>     http://www.advogato.org/person/graydon/diary.html?start=103
> In general, concurrency seems to be hard.  I didn't think this was
> news :-)

This is a little too general...

Concurrency does require a good examination of what is happening, and the
project flow...

But what I found worked in multiple cases, was reducing the issue, until I
the "actions" being handled by a object.  Thus I would create multiple
objects, and
pass them into the threads for servicing.  Once the thread finished, I would
the data from the object, destroy the object, and continue on...

Yes, this model does not work every where...  But often, when working in a
OOP model,
I keep coming back to a similiar model...

Threading in a non-OOP environment is harder...  When I rewrote parts of
and made it into a multithreaded application, to speed it up...  I had to
graft a OOP manager on top of the system for the threading...  But it was
not difficult..

		- Benjamin

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