[Pythonmac-SIG] Let's do it completely different!

Larry Meyn meyn@cruzio.com
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 16:06:13 -0700

On Friday, October 18, 2002, at 02:09  PM, Jack Jansen wrote:

> The framework option has the following advantages:
> ...
> 4. Allows us to share a single Python engine between Python and all 
> embedders of Python (such as the Python OSA component).
> I think we can do an architecture without frameworks that will allow 
> us to do all of these except 4.
If I understand this right, advantage #4 saves space, but has the risk 
that the embedded Python may have incompatible changes with the 
containing application.  The risk is increased when applications are 
distributed to other systems.  Losing this capability doesn't seem like 
a big loss.

> To start we build on the existing Apple-installed /usr/bin/python (or 
> any other pre-installed Python, from fink or whereever). So, our 
> MacPython-OSX installer does not necessarily include Python itself. 
> This gives two immediate advantages: we can stuff everything into 
> /Applications/Python (making installation and de-installation even 
> easier) and we can do a MacPython-OSX distribution without waiting for 
> Python 2.3. This would give people like Walt a decent way to explore 
> Python through the IDE, without having to learn about the unix command 
> line.
I like the idea of building on the pre-installed python, too many 
versions on one system can get confusing.  The de-coupling from the 
main Python distribution is a nice feature, especially since the OS X 
specific items will probably be under going rapid changes for the 
foreseeable future.  We just need to have an easy way to bring the 
Apple-installed up to full capability (i.e. readline.)