[Pythonmac-SIG] python and pythonw in python-mode emacs

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 13:02:20 +0100

On Wednesday, Nov 20, 2002, at 02:34 Europe/Amsterdam, Chris Wright 

> Running a python interpreter (2.2.2) as a subprocess of emacs 
> ( under jaguar 10.2.2 built accoring to Owen's instructions 
> (TkAqua  etc):
> all is well, except we get SetFrontProcess failed, -606 error when 
> trying to run a Tkinter program from within emacs (either with C-c C-c 
> or from a C-C ! python shell)
> so....
> changing py-python-command in python-mode.el from
> python to pythonw (to try and get rid of the SetFrontProcess failed, 
> -606 error) causes the following to be displayed:
> -i: can't open file '-i'

Try not only setting py-python-command to pythonw but also clearing 
py-python-command-args. The 2.2.2 pythonw interpreter doesn't 
understand the -i argument (nor any other argument, for that matter).
- Jack Jansen        <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com>        
http://www.cwi.nl/~jack -
- If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 
Goldman -