[Pythonmac-SIG] Question about plans for Python 2.3

Russell E Owen owen@astro.washington.edu
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 11:02:22 -0800

After various trials with trying to get 2.2.2 built to talk to aqua 
Tk, I have a question about plans for 2.3.

I assume 2.3 will be able to work with aqua Tk. If so...can one 
installation (i.e. one interpreter) be used both for that purpose and 
also for other typical Python development? It seems as if 2.2.2 may 
want a copy in /Library/Frameworks/... for aqua Tk development and 
somehow may want another copy in /usr/local/bin for normal unix-ey 
stuff. Naah, that can't be right.

- Russell