[Pythonmac-SIG] How-To type/creator and walking through directories?

Bill Bedford billb@mousa.demon.co.uk
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 19:26:24 +0000

At 10:35 am -0800 11/03/02, macnerd wrote:

>I have a major annoyance in that I have a CD of HTMLs and GIFs, 
>which have generic TYPE/CREATORS.
>I would like to change this to TYPE/CREATOR of my choosing, so I 
>want to create a tool that will walk
>through all of the directories.
>I'm so new to the Mac scripting, so I was wondering if someone could 
>tell me how can I change the
>type/creator and walk through the folders.  Do the folders look like 
>UNIX directories in MacPython?
>Are there symbolic . and ..?

......Python 2.2:Mac:scripts:fixfiletypes.py

will get you started


Bill Bedford

You can win or you can have peace, but not at the same time.