[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: [Pyobjc-dev] Build of pyobjc and pyobjc-nib failures

Zachery Bir zbir@urbanape.com
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 14:21:19 -0400

On Wednesday, July 31, 2002, at 01:59 , Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> I suppose your building pyobjc 0.6.1. If you remove the prototype 
> for getcwd in OC_PythonBundle  it will compile and build.

I have both the pyobjc and your pyobjc-nib - both break similarly.

> One thing though, you'll probably need a framework install of 
> python if you actually want to use this. At the very least you'll 
> have to start the scripts with an absolute path (some part of 
> Cocoa directly accesses argv[0] and fails if that is not an 
> absolute path).

This elusive "framework install". I see this in pyobjc's INSTALL:

***  NOTE: You must build Python with Objective-C enabled by
***        specifying --with-objc to the configure script to use this.

*** NOTE:  This no longer seems to be true under OSX Final Candidate
*** (and future versions, I would suspect).   A build of python
*** configured with './configure --with-suffix=.exe --with-threads
*** --with-dyld' worked fine!

I don't think I did anything special when building the 2.3, but I 
can try to specify those specifically at configure time. What else 
is required to get the "framework install"?

> If you're adventurous you could try my version of pyobjc from 
> http://www.cistron/~oussoren/pyobjc. That version is a lot more 
> usefull when you want to play with the combination of Interface 
> Builder and python. That version definitly requires a framework 
> install of python 2.3.

I've also got your -nib version of the pyobjc, and it breaks similarly.
