[Pythonmac-SIG] More NIB examples

Ronald Oussoren oussoren@cistron.nl
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 21:24:59 +0200

I've some more examples of building NIB-based Cocoa applications in 
Python, and a heavily modified version of pyobjc to go with those.

The 'CurrencyConvertor' applet that Jack posted a while back is now much 
shorter, and I've added a document based application (the Todo example 
from Learning Cocoa).

The most important change to the pyobjc module is that you can now 
subclass Objective-C classes in python. These subclasses are both Python 
classes and Objective-C classes. This is very usefull when your building 
document based applications.

The archive can be downloaded here: 

The code is work-in-progress, but usable. I'm developing using a Python 
2.3 (from CVS), this is probably required to use the code. Check the 
readme in the archive for building and usage instructions.

The layout of the archive is different from the original pyobjc, but 
that will change again when we merge the code into the pyobjc repository.
