[Pythonmac-SIG] macostools copy function broken in MachoPython build?

Kevin Altis altis@semi-retired.com
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 14:51:09 -0700

A friend of mine wanted to start using Python and as his first program he
wanted to be able to do a recursive backup of a directory of files to
another volume. Since he's on a Mac that means using the copy or copytree
functions in order to get the data and resource fork and Finder info.


However, he's trying to do this on Mac OS X, so I had him go get
MachoPython-2.2.1-4.dmg from the wxPython distribution:


When we tried using copy function a file not found error was thrown for the
destination file. If you go ahead and create a dummy file, the copy still
seems to fail, though no errors are thrown. The actual message is:

MacOS.Error: (-43, 'File not found')

My friend installed MacPython on OS 9 and macostools.copy seemed to work
there, though of course the path is done with ':' instead of '/'. Any ideas
what we're doing wrong or is this a MachoPython macostools bug? Perhaps this
is just a problem with how Robin did the 2.2.1-4 build?

I've included some playing around I did in the shell under Mac OS X that
shows the error. Sorry about the email line wrapping.

Kevin Altis


 >>> import os
 >>> import macostools
 >>> os.getcwd()
 >>> filename = 'readme.txt'
 >>> path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
 >>> path
 >>> os.path.exists(path)
 >>> macostools.copy(path, path + '2')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
line 88, in copy
     dstfss = macfs.FSSpec(dst)
MacOS.Error: (-43, 'File not found')
 >>> macostools.macfs
<module 'macfs' from
 >>> macostools.macfs.FSSpec(path)
FSSpec((-100, 141127, 'readme.txt'))
 >>> macostools.macfs.FSSpec(path + '1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
MacOS.Error: (-43, 'File not found')