[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: Mac OSX pythonw python and Tk...

Russell E Owen owen@astro.washington.edu
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 07:50:22 -0600

Jeff Senn <senn@maya.com> asked:

>How can I get python to run from a terminal window (i.e. no idle and
>also stdio to the terminal) and also have Tk work?
>I tried the not-so-obvious:
>  cp /usr/local/bin/python pythonw
>  ./pythonw blah.py
>Which almost works -- I get windows but also the "SetFrontProcess failed,-600"
>error when trying to interact with them...
>(I seem to recall this worked at some point...)

I used fink to install Python and xfree86 (XDarwin), then installed 
OroborOSX separately (since the fink-included window manager crashed) 
and it all works fine from the command line. I've done a ton of 
programming this way (I never use idle) and have not seen this error. 
If your setup is different, you might try this one. Of course it'd be 
nice to use the MacOS X native version of Tk, but I've not personally 
done that -- I figured I'd wait until it was reliable.


-- Russell