[Pythonmac-SIG] Extensions for static versus frame

bweiland@chiinc.com bweiland@chiinc.com
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:49:42 -0400

> In response to Jack Jansen's comment:
> ----------
> > This needs to be solved. Except for command line use, Python is not an
> > application. It is a virtual machine or runtime environment, and should
> > be invisible to users running multiple python programs at once. Is the
> > above mentioned "Python Launcher.app" the solution to this?
> There will be a new program /Applications/Python Launcher.app, 
> modelled after Java's Applet Launcher (hmm, maybe it should go 
> into Utilities?). It will understand two file types: ".py" and 
> ".pyw". If a script.py is doubleclicked it will by default open 
> a terminal window and run ...
> Just making sure, does this mean that _multiple_ python scripts can be run
> simultaneously (as if they were separate applications)?  
> Thanks!
> Bill Weiland