[Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: Apple Design Awards Update: Open Source Category

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 10:43:28 +0100

Apple have just added a category "best open source product" to their 
yearly design awards.
How about giving it a go and trying to win that award with Python?

We have until April 5 to enter, which gives us almost 6 weeks. The 
question is: what would we need (that we don't have yet) to win, and can 
we do that in 6 weeks?

Here's my list of things we definitely need:
- The IDE (no idea how far along that is)
- The OSA component (no idea how easy this would be to integrate. 
Actually, I have for the second time forgotten who did this! Sorry, 
please speak up!)
- universal newline support (should be trivial to drop in)
- Bells and whistles, such as BuildApplet, EditPythonPrefs and 
BuildApplication (but these should probably be built in to the IDE, not 
as separate apps)
- A nice installer that also installs the /usr/local/bin symlinks for 
unix to use, etc.
- Packaged documentation, preferably in a form that Apple Help can read 
(plus hooks in the IDE to get at the docs).
- Consensus on how we're going to split the dual G4 we're going to win:-)

I think what would make this a potential winner is that it covers three 
programming areas (unix scripts and CGI, Applescripting, standalone Mac 
development) and that it is the only tool that does all three. All 
competing languages cover only one or at most 2 of these areas (Perl: 1, 
Applescript: 23, Tcl/Tk: 13, Java: 13).

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Apple Developer Connection <noreply@adc.apple.com>
> Date: Thu Feb 21, 2002  09:51:06  Europe/Amsterdam
> To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
> Subject: Apple Design Awards Update: Open Source Category
> Reply-To: Apple Developer Connection <noreply@adc.apple.com>
> Dear Developer,
> We have great news! In response to the popularity of Mac OS X with
> the open source community, Apple is pleased to announce an
> additional category for the Seventh Annual Apple Design Awards: Best
> Mac OS X Open Source Port. In addition, we are now accepting both
> individual and collaborative entries.
> We invite you to take a look at the updated rules and prize
> information and submit your product for consideration. The winners
> will be announced at a special Apple Design Awards ceremony during
> Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, California
> during the week of May 6-10, 2002.
> If you have already submitted a product for consideration in the
> Seventh Annual Apple Design Awards, you will be contacted separately
> with information on updating your submission.
> ==================================
> ==================================
> A company or individual developer may submit a product to be
> considered for the following categories:
>    * Best New Mac OS X Product
>    * Most Innovative Mac OS X Product
>    * Best Mac OS X User Experience
>    * Best Mac OS X Technology Adoption
>    * Best Mac OS X Open Source Port
> Individual developers may also submit a product collaboratively
> (please see entry form for specific requirements and award
> guidelines related to joint entries).
> Winners in each of the above categories receive an "Ultimate" Power
> Mac G4 system with an Apple Cinema Display (22" flat panel).
> Please note that all company/individual developer entries are due by
> Friday, April 5, 2002. You may submit your entry form today at
> <http://developer.apple.com/designawards/>.
> ==================================
> ==================================
> Student developers may submit a product developed either
> individually or collaboratively for the category of:
>    * Best Mac OS X Student Product
> The winner of the Best Mac OS X Student Product award will receive
> an "Ultimate" PowerBook system and a paid trip to Apple's Worldwide
> Developers Conference (WWDC), which will be held May 6-10 in San
> Jose, California. (Please see entry form for specific requirements
> and award guidelines related to joint entries.)
> Please note that all Student Developer entries are due by Friday,
> March 1, 2002. You may submit your entry form today at
> <http://developer.apple.com/designawards/>.
> ==================================
> ==================================
> Don't miss this chance to show off your Mac OS X product and win
> some great hardware. Visit
> <http://developer.apple.com/designawards/> for official contest
> rules and entry forms.  If you have additional questions not
> answered by the official contest rules, please contact us via email
> at <http://developer.apple.com/designawards/faq.html>.
> Best regards,
> Apple Developer Connection
- Jack Jansen        <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com>        
http://www.cwi.nl/~jack -
- If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 
Goldman -