[Pythonmac-SIG] Confused at the state of Python for OSX

Samuel Smith smithsm@samuelsmith.org
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:14:35 -0700

  I religiously read the macpython sig and it is impressive how much 
activity there has been the last few weeks. So much so that I am now 
officially confused.
I have been preparing to make the jump to OSX as my day to day OS 
from OS9 and am just about there. But I can't figure out which 
version of Python I should use.

There are posts referring to what I believe are 3 versions of python 
on the Mac for OSX?. Regular Unix python, MachO Python, and Carbon 

To complicate things there is the fink installation of MachO? versus 
the cvs source installation.

I used to use Unix on a daily basis a few years ago so I am not 
afraid of the Unix version but I am confused vis a vis MachO python.

It sounds like they can coexist.

There are so many reports of problems that I am not sure which one 
will be most productive for me.

Would someon who has a clear picture of the current state of python 
for OSX care to elaborate or at least point me to a readme that is up 
to date?

  (I know its been discussed before but things are changing so fast)


Samuel M. Smith Ph.D.

360 W. 920 N.
Orem, Utah 84057

801-226-7607 x112 (voice)
801-226-7608 (fax)
http://www.samuelsmith.org (web)
