[Pythonmac-SIG] Tkinter support for Carbon - I give up.

Russell E Owen owen@astro.washington.edu
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:38:20 -0800

Jack Jansen wrote:

>...should MacPython 2.3 be Carbon-only or both classic and Carbon? People overwhelmingly voted for Carbon-only in December, but that was when Tk support under carbon still looked possible.
>There is a third possibility: that MacPython 2.3 has limited support for classic PPC: a ClassicPythonInterpreter only, no support (or limited support) for a classic IDE and other goodies. This will mean that IDE development can go fully Carbon and not be hampered by classic, while people who want to run occasional Tkinter scripts can still do so.

I think it's reasonable to ditch classic, except for 2.2 bug fix updates. 2.2 is an outstanding release and a perfectly reasonable place to freeze code.

If having a ClassicInterpreter is REALLY straightforward, don't let me stop you. But otherwise I do not think it is likely to be worth your time. Tkinter has some issues under MacOS 9 anyway.

On a related question...do you still see 2.3 being fully integrated on MacOS X, so there's not a separate MacPython and unix python? I'm hoping so, and that the unified version retains the best of each, including:
- MacPython's nifty handling of file-file line endings (\r or \n both OK).
- The unix version's readline enhancement (up-arrow to edit old commands, etc.)


-- Russell