[Pythonmac-SIG] Tkinter support for Carbon - I give up.

Jon Bradley jbradley@thinqinteractive.com
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 06:24:37 -0500

> From: Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.nl>
> So, unless someone else wants to take over: there's not going to
> be Tk support in Carbon MacPython.
> That, however, means I want to put an earlier issue back to the
> vote: should MacPython 2.3 be Carbon-only or both classic and
> Carbon? People overwhelmingly voted for Carbon-only in December,
> but that was when Tk support under carbon still looked possible.
> There is a third possibility: that MacPython 2.3 has limited
> support for classic PPC: a ClassicPythonInterpreter only, no
> support (or limited support) for a classic IDE and other
> goodies. This will mean that IDE development can go fully Carbon
> and not be hampered by classic, while people who want to run
> occasional Tkinter scripts can still do so.
> So: let's have your votes, or if there are alternatives I
> missed: speak up!
> --
> - Jack Jansen        <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com>

MacApp, please.  :)  It's going to be around for a long time and supporting
it could be a great great thing.  I know you'd make my job easier, and would
make tons and tons of mac developers psyched.

Jon Bradley
Multimedia Developer

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