[Pythonmac-SIG] cls(),inkey(),prompt()

Francois Granger fgranger@altern.org
Tue, 05 Feb 2002 14:08:45 +0100

on 5/02/02 8:35, Christopher Smith at csmith@blakeschool.org wrote:

> I have written 3 function for MacPython IDE (Carbon) which allow
> 1) clearing of the output window with the cls() command
> 2) polling the keyboard (like BASIC's inkey$() command)
> 3) prompting and viewing user input on the output window rather
> than in a separate dialog box as is generated with input() and
> raw_input().
> All together they come to 50 lines.  If there is interest I can
> post them here or send them to interested individuals who
> contact me at this address.
> One thing I don't know how to do, and would appreciate some help on,
> is bringing the output window to the foreground (i.e. making it
> active) so the user input to the prompt can be seen in case the
> output window is initially behind the script window.

I'd be pleased to get a copy.

