[Pythonmac-SIG] New MacPython HowTo's - German Only (Sorry)

Jörg Kantel joerg@kantel.de
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 20:28:52 +0200

Two whom of you who can read German...

I've added a few new and short How To's to my growing pages 
about Python in general and MacPython in special:

1. Python Library Modules related:
Easy Dialogs 
File Dialogs 

2. PiddleQD related:
PiddleQD and Mac OS X 
Dancing Python 

Additionally I started a little discovering SVG. And I seems to 
me that at the moment the piddleSVG backend is without a 
maintainer. Maybe I can help? But be warned, my english is very 
bad ;o)

Script different!

J"org Kantel								joerg@kantel.de
Der Schockwellenreiter						<http://www.schockwellenreiter.de/>
Der Rollberg								<http://rollberg.antville.org/>