[Pythonmac-SIG] editing Python scripts on OS X

Ryan Wilcox ryanwilcox@mac.com
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 12:21:15 -0400

On Sunday, April 28, 2002, at 9:04 AM, pecora@anvil.nrl.navy.mil (Louis M. Pecora) wrote:

>>Well, ok.. the latest version (6.5.1) of BBEdit works excellently. 6.5
>>didn't work so hot with python - but they fixed the "show-stopper bug".
>>(something with pressing option-rightarrow or something... I don't
>Can you say how it works with Python?  Can you run scripts from BBEdit? 

Run scripts with output going to bbedit. Run scripts in Terminal (say
you need standard input). Run scripts in the debugger (the terminal's

You can even find things in the reference (err... pydoc).

You can use python text filters (run the selected text through a python
script -- say, hook it up to pychecker or something)

Oh yeah, and if you swing that way, it's got (optional) emacs key bindings.


And anything it does with python it can do with perl