[Pythonmac-SIG] Looking for a sponsor

Dinu Gherman gherman@darwin.in-berlin.de
Wed, 03 Apr 2002 10:29:17 +0200 (CEST)

Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com>:

> Folks,
> I'm looking for a sponsor. Specifically: I'm looking for someone 
> to sponsor my Apple Select membership which ran out yesterday, 
> and which I've come to really appreciate over the last two 
> years: it gives me access to the latest MacOS releases and lots 
> of other goodies that are a great boost for MacPython and 
> MachoPython development.
> With Oratrix having put Mac development on hold for the time 
> being, and given the current lean-and-mean times I cannot 
> justify having the company pay for this. And I've already paid 
> for CodeWarrior 7 out of my own pocket, so another $500 for 
> something that has a grand total of $0 on the income side isn't 
> very attractive....
> --
> - Jack Jansen        <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com>        

Jack, I'm sure you can collect the amount you need and I'm willing
to contribute to it. Just indicate somehow your preferred way of
accepting payments, please!

