[Pythonmac-SIG] AIFC problem and applet bloat and ...

Michael Dunn mdunn@cantares.on.ca
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 00:23:52 -0400

    The python.org help address couldn't offer any suggestions re 
these problems.  The problem: I think there's a bug in the aifc 
module.  I've generated several 16 & 24 bit 44.1kHz stereo files, and 
although they play using quicktime, neither Toast, nor my audio 
editor (MOTU Audiodesk) recognize them as valid.

(Python 2.1 (#92, Apr 24 2001, 23:59:23)  [CW PPC GUSI2 THREADS] on mac)

    The later diagnosis:  I've discovered the problem, though not a 
good fix.  The audio file gets written with filetype AIFC, not 
AIFF!!!  I can change this using resedit, and all my apps are then ok 
with the file.  I *do* have  'file.aiff()'  in my code, and I've also 
tried without (the docs are pretty unclear about this).  Also, the 
filename extension *is* '.aiff'.  The filetype always comes out as 
AIFC though.

    I was prepared to code around this by manually fixing the filetype 
using a Mac library function, but I couldn't find any to do this.

    p.s., Is there a reasonable way to make applets smaller?  I mean - 
1K of code - 30K of icons and stuff?!?!?  Why so many?

    I hope these haven't been covered before, but downloading 12MB of 
archives is not my idea of fun searching...

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    p.p.s., Is there any reason an applet generated on the Mac 
shouldn't run on other platforms?  (of course, stripped of the 
resource fork)