[Pythonmac-SIG] PyOpenGL using Python 2.1.1. on G3 distutils failure

Sans Peur simonmagus@earthlink.net
Thu, 06 Sep 2001 18:31:41 -0700

on 9/6/01 7:06 AM, Torsten Sadowski at moehl@akaflieg.extern.tu-berlin.de

> Hi,
> you have something about incorrect line endings in your traceback.

The mac uses \r line breaks. PyOpenGL setup fails right off the bat unless I
put in the \r line breaks.  The message is there about \r because the .tar
file was intended for UNIX, since there is no Mac version.

> This > can be the reason for many unexpected problems.

Maybe, but putting in \r's has let me get this far without problems. There
is an exception being thrown my the linker.. therein lies the problem.

> You should change this
> first, TextSpresso should do the trick.

The method described in the Python for Mac doc is to use BBEdit, which is
what I did. What is TextSpresso?

> Then try again without _w.

What is _w ?

> PyopenGL should install but you cant really use it
> because you dont have a GL canvas.

I use OpenGL on the Mac just fine with C code, all that PyOpenGL does is
wrap the C code, so I don't see why it wouldn't work. The graphics API used
by MacOS is OpenGL. Also, PyOpenGL is fully advertised as working on MacOS
by it's authors.  What do you mean by GL canvas?  There is an API for OpenGL
that is an Apple download that gives everything needed.

> Togl wont build and wxpython is not
> available on the Mac (yet?).

True, but Togl is not required for anything that I want to do, and wxpython
is a Windows widget tool. GLUT provides the Window for Mac.
