[Pythonmac-SIG] One last thing on the slow shell python

Donovan Preston dpreston@intersight.com
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 09:11:41 -0700

On Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at 02:22 AM, Jack Jansen wrote:
> BTW: since the last couple of months I'm consistently saying 
> "MacPython" when
> I refer to MacPython. However, I don't have a fixed term yet for "the 
> other
> Python on OSX", sometimes I say unix-Python, sometimes 
> command-line-Python,
> sometimes something else altogether. I don't like "Python", because it 
> can
> mean both and can lead to confusion (as shown here). Any suggestions 
> for a
> term we could all start using when the distinction is important?
Mach-O Python is the term I like to use.