[Pythonmac-SIG] Python-friendly Databases for the Mac

Marcus H. Mendenhall marcus.h.mendenhall@vanderbilt.edu
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 08:57:54 -0600

First, note the 3 line count was an embarrassing typo I noticed when 
I got the message back from the list.  It's about 30 lines.  In 
another message to the list, I have posted the code, though. h

>"Marcus H. Mendenhall" <marcus.h.mendenhall@vanderbilt.edu> wrote on
>Mon, 26 Nov 2001 08:16:45 -0600:
>>beautifully, which gives a nice interface for printing documents.  I
>>use it for label printing, etc. routinely.  I have a (very crude)
>>label printing package built on Piddle (it's only about 3 lines of
>>code) which, if you are interested, I can send along as an example of
>>using Piddle.
>oh yes. Please could you send these few lines to the list, or perhaps the
>full Python script?
>I'm using Piddle too and want to point to ReportLab, which can create
>pdf-files (-reports) too.
>>the Piddle module is your friend for printing.  It is in the process
>>of being superseded by Sping.
>Can you tell more about the coming successor of Piddle, Sping? Last time I
>looked at it at sourceforge.net I didn't find any working package or only a
>clone of an elder Piddle package afair.

The reason I haven't said more about sping is that I am still using 
Piddle.  I couldn't get Sping to work without a bunch of messing 
around and, as I mentioned, the last time I tried the QD backed 
didn't exist.  Since Piddle works awfully well (after one figures out 
how to use it and its sidekick, graphite, a scientific graphing 
