[Pythonmac-SIG] BuildApplication not terminating?

Schollnick, Benjamin Benjamin.Schollnick@usa.xerox.com
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 10:11:33 -0500

Anyone else seeing any problems with BuildApplication (classic) with Python

Basically, I attempted to build the TK application that I'm fighting with...
(I finally found a scenario where it'll work... But I'm going to research
the TK side, I dislike the work arounds I'm using)....

The first time, I resulted with a Out of Memory error... But the
BuildApplication didn't seem to fully quit... The Window said
"Terminated..." but the system (File, edit, etc) menu bar, didn't return...I
was unable to quit  through the hotkey or Cmd-. .

I ended up Force Quiting....I increased the memory partition, and it build
the application fine.... But once again, it said it terminated but didn't
display the menu bar, etc.... With the same results... (ended up force

Now the application is built fine, and works....

But has anyone else seen this?

Other notable issues:

	- Build Application (app) has a generic icon, and 
		doesn't accept drag 'n drop.  (Haven't yet rebuilt the

	- The Build Application (script) is significantly faster in
		detecting the list of modules used by application.

	- The Script also seems to finish fine.  So I suspect that there
		maybe a damaged BuildApplication Applet?

		- Benjamin