[Pythonmac-SIG] W section

Gordon Worley redbird@rbisland.cx
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 14:54:07 -0500

Okay, here is what I have for the W section.  Hopefully, I've done 
things correctly with LaTeX.  Also, let me know if I've made any 
factual errors.


\sectionauthor {Gordon Worley}{redbird@rbisland.cx}

\section{\module{W} ---
          Mac only interface building library}

\modulesynopsis{Mac only interface building library.}
\moduleauthor{Just van Rossum}{just@letterror.com}

W is an interface building module for MacPython applications, 
applets, and IDE scripts.  It was originally designed for use in the 
IDE, but is able to be used for building the interfaces to other 
programs.  It also provides an application wrapper which makes it 
easier to write applications than getting down and dirty with 
Macintosh libraries.

Mainly, W provides all of the functionality that would be found in 
the average Mac application and then some.  It includes special list 
types, tiny pop up menus, an easier event model, and layout managers 
that make interface design easier.  All of W is written in Python and 
all of the source code is accessible, so it is easy to make changes 
to suit a particular application's needs.

In many ways, W is still under development and documented fairly 
well.  A reference to it can be found at \url 
{http://www.nevada.edu/%7ecwebster/Python/WWidgets/}, with tutorials 
and examples to help you get started.


Also, here is a more general question:  Why is W still in the IDE 
folder?  Why not move it to Mac:Lib:W and then all scripts can access 
it equally?

Also, maybe this was mentioned somewhere and I missed it, but os.path 
is gone.  I know that macpath is what I want to link to, but there is 
no os.path to import.  While I can rewrite my applications and 
scripts to use macpath when I know that they will run just on the 
Mac, anything meant to be crossplatform is going to break one way or 
the other.  I'm pretty sure we just need a file called os.path that 
has the one line of code 'from macpath import *'.
Gordon Worley
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