[Pythonmac-SIG] Interest In RAD for python?

Christian Smith csmith@barebones.com
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 21:28:34 -0500

On Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 20:29, smithsm@adeptsystemsinc.com
(Samuel Smith) wrote:

> > I am currently developing a RAD environment for Python called
> > VPython.
> >It will have built in syntax coloring/auto indenting, drag and drop
> >Tkinter IDEs, module browser, class generators, and a slew of other
> >features. I am contimplating whether or not to charge for this when
> >it is completed (a very low amount I mean, like around 10-20). How
> >many people would be interested in something like this? And how many
> >people would be willing to pay a low shareware fee if there was one?
> There were three commercial IDE's for python announced at the Python
> conf this week. The prices I think were under $100 per seat. So not
> too expensive but still a lot more than $10-20 Shareware. My guess is
> the degree of interest would come down to price performance. Certainly
> everyone I know wants a good IDE for Python.

Of course all three of these are "multi-platform" but all of the
platforms are Windows or Unix/Linux :-)

Mark, I'm sure that there would be lots of interest in a commercial ID
for Python. Obviously I have ulterior motives for my next question but
I'll ask it anyway. What are your thoughts on providing support for
external editors as opposed to relying on a built in source editor.
Applications such as BBEdit will generally be able to provide a much
more powerfull editing enviroment than what you'll be able to provide

Christian Smith  |  csmith@barebones.com  |  http://web.barebones.com
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