[Pythonmac-SIG] Using Python to edit resources...

dave@diddlysquat.f2s.com dave@diddlysquat.f2s.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 03:32:45 +0000 (GMT)

This may have answered before, but it isn't obvious, so I'm going to take a 
chance and risk making a fool of myself for asking questions that have been 
answered a million times ;-).

I am making a resource editor using Python and have come across a major block. I 
have no clue how to make Python edit the resource in question. I can get Python 
to display its handler location (0x45674, whatever). But I can't get it to 
display the actual data it contains (and then allow the user to edit it). Does 
anybody here know how to get Python to edit the data a resource holds? Thanks.


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