[Pythonmac-SIG] Wierd Error/Bug in MacPython 2.0

Chris Barker chrishbarker@home.net
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 13:40:51 -0700

Jack Jansen wrote:
> I'd say just rerun the whole computation that generates the output file. The
> problem may have occurred earlier than the close() but may only become visible
> at that point.

Actually, it's reading an input file, but that makes little difference.
Actually, the code around the file closing is pretty darn simple, it's

file = open(filename,'rb') # open as a binary file

for i in range(HeaderData['NumLines']):
data = fromstring(file.read(NumBytes*NumTimesteps*NumLEs),UnsignedInt8)

So I'll try wrapping that in a try: except (or maybe the whole function
this is in)

> The second try/except is a trick to clear the stacktrace: it will still
> contain open file objects for the input and output file, and you want to get
> rid of them before trying again.

hmmm. I don't quite understand this, but I'll take your word for it.
> I wouldn't do a "while 1:" because there are many reasons the thing could
> fail. If it fails for the silly-close-bug reason once every 400 times this
> code will make it fail only once very 16000 times, so that should be good
> enough.

Good point. I may wrap it in a "for i in range(10):" to really reduce my

Thanks for your ideas, I'll give them a try.


Christopher Barker,
ChrisHBarker@home.net                 ---           ---           ---
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