[Pythonmac-SIG] Now this is pretty cool...

Jack Jansen jack@oratrix.nl
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 22:46:05 +0200

Recently, Richard Gordon <richard@richardgordon.net> said:
> >Jack -- Do you think this should be done by default?  If the default 
> >site.py was modified to include this the import and a message was 
> >added to the startup string, then this would mimic the (quite 
> >helpful) ActiveState way of doing things.
> I would second this suggestion. This is too useful to be turned off by defaul
> t.

I think I would prefer it if IDE provided a hook into this, or if
someone donated an IDE script for this (how about something that looks
up help on the current selection, and if there is no selection shows a
dialog box in which you can type the thing you want to look up?).

I don't like adding too much to site.py because (a) PythonInterpreter
shouldn't really be used interactively (even though I do it all the
time:-), IDE should be used for that and (b) site.py also gets loaded
by every script, and all this stuff will make all scripts start up
Jack Jansen             | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++
www.oratrix.nl/~jack    | see http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/spg-l/sigaction.htm