[Pythonmac-SIG] The Official MacPython LineEnding Converter Competition

Richard Gordon richard@richardgordon.net
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 03:11:47 -0400

At 10:44 AM +0200 7/6/01, Jack Jansen wrote:
>Entries should be sent to the list, and the whole list will judge which script
>wins. If there's a tie the list maintainer (indeed, me:-) gets the tiebreaking
>Entries should be in by August 1.

Am I correct in believing that no entries have submitted thus far?

If this doesn't "have legs" as a competitive challenge, perhaps it 
will go somewhere as a collaborative effort? The end product is 
certainly needed and I for one am not too ashamed to post my own 
meager efforts, have some genius tell me I should be using classes 
and show me how, have some ultra-genius tell him how badly he screwed 
the pooch and show both of us how, etc.

Richard Gordon
Gordon Design
Web Design/Database Development