[Pythonmac-SIG] Icons etc

mark brady brady@mmm.com
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 13:04:12 -0800

I now have a double clickable .py file.  I used BBEdit  to
do this.  

Next I would like to customize the icon of my .py but haven't
been able to do it so far.  Anybody know how to do that?

Some related questions:  Exactly what is a .pyc file?  What
does the application builder do? You're probably going to tell
me that it builds and application :-)  OK, but exactly how does
that differ from a .py file or a .pyc file?

I tried turning my .py file into an application but I got a
"can't find _imagingtk file" message.  I searched my disc for
such a file and didn't find one either.
