[Pythonmac-SIG] Double CLickable

Michael J Barber mjb@thp.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:58:22 +0100

There are several possibilities to do this.  Probably the best known is
a control panel called Finderpop.  It does a lot more than that as well,
and is "pintware."  

I personally use a CMM called "OpenUsing."  You can set things up so
that the Python IDE will appear at the top of the contextual menu when
you click on a file that ends with .py or has the right file type.  You
have to do some playing around with folders and aliases, but the result
is rather nice.  I wrote some AppleScripts to make setting up the
type-sensitive folders easier; the author of OpenUsing said he would
like to include them in the OU distribution, but I'm not sure if he's
done that yet -- email me if you want them.  Freeware.

There are a number of other CMMs like this, but I haven't tried them. 
You can find them on VersionTracker, of course.

Richard Gordon wrote:
> of several months of working in Python on NT- I've set things up so
> that .py is an executable and a script will run when double-clicked,
> but if I right-click instead, I have the option to edit it instead,
> either in PythonWin by default or in vim or visual studio as other
> choices. I find that I miss this choice when working on the Mac and
> am forever launching scripts that I really intended to edit. Does
> anyone happen to know of a Mac contextual menu module that emulates
> this behavior? Assuming yes but you can only choose among apps, how
> would you get it to let you edit in the Mac python IDE- maybe with an
> AppleScript that had been saved as an applet or something?