[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: Pythonmac-SIG digest, Vol 1 #929 - 12 msgs

Jeff Harmon jeff.harmon@adobe.com
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 14:32:26 -0800

on 12/19/01 09:01 AM, pythonmac-sig-request@python.org wrote:

> But, just to make sure that you're not seeing a different issue: could you
> post the symptoms you see when you try to use MacPython on OSX?

Here is a summary of what I've encountered.  The machine in question is a
dual500 (g4) (with gobs o' RAM and perty much all the fix'ns).  It's running
a fully current (as of yesterday) 10.1.1 that started from an "consumer
boxed" 10.  I work for Adobe, btw.  I'm sure you've seen a lot of traffic
from some of us later since were thinking of adopting Python for some
internal use.  The jury is still out...

I've downloaded both "full" distributions (2.1x and 2.2x), run the
installer, got the the "I'll bet the cofg tool will puke" message, watched
the config tool puke, quit the installer, launch the config tool directly,
watch as the config tool stops dead in its tracks at the point mentioned in
a previous email (GUSI fLocked > 0).  Failing that I drug my know good
MacPython (carbon of course) 211 dist from my 9.1 TiBook to the dual.  The
interpreter launches (and more or less appears to run) but has bogus (as
wrong bad not corrupt) data in sys.path.  As a result it can't find anything
and bitches when it tries to load, err... import site and macfsn.  If I hack
sys.path at runtime it seems to work but I still don't know enough about the
"world of python" (only been doing this for a week so far) to know if there
are other init things that never went off when it bailed after failing to
find macfsn.

The questions I'm trying to track down at present is where does MacPython
acquire the data it writes into sys.path. (what file, etc.), what
(specifically) does the config tool do (so I can attempt to replicate it's
effect manually) and what does MacPython do at launch (execution sequence,
first files, etc.)?  An alternative thought I have to work on is "how hard
will it be to glue the OS X CL interpreter (not MacPython) to PEF a gaggle
of libs?"  It looks doable but I've never traveled this road before.

Any expertise you can add or light you can shed would be VERY, VERY welcome.
