[Pythonmac-SIG] OSX IDE (Newbie asks : Current state of play for Python on Mac OS X 10.1?)

Steven Majewski sdm7g@Virginia.EDU
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 15:40:45 -0500 (EST)

> > 4.  Integrated development
> > 	a) IDLE things to know?
> > 	b) Python IDE things to know?

With the unix plumbing in OSX, it may now be possible to separate
the python in the IDE from the python being developed in the IDE
by spawning a separate process to the code run from the IDE.

But is there a downside to this? i.e. does the IDE require much
introspection that would get broken by seperating the user code
from the IDE code?

(I've been writing some AppleEvents code lately that uses a DoScript
event to XlispStat, so I've been thinking of this as a way of linking
two Python images.)

-- Steve