[Pythonmac-SIG] Python Framework

William Noon noon@snow.cit.cornell.edu
Thu, 16 Aug 2001 16:41:56 -0400

Jack -- I am mostly coming from the unix side of python and only use the
command line tool.  I built the framework from cvs (8/15) and it mostly
went well.  I had been installing with prefix = /usr/local and have
a number of c-modules built fine.

Building the framework went fine and it passes most of the tests (after
bumping the stack limit).

When installing, it only copied over the Versions tree and didn't make
the symbolic links for Headers, Resources and Python.  It also didn't 
create the bin, lib, include and man directories.  I brought these
over by hand and made the appropriate links.  I need to use the command
line version so I made a link from
/Library/Frameworks/Version/Current/bin/python.exe -> /usr/local/bin/python
Even once the Python.app is set, I think we will need a python in
the std bsd PATH somewhere.

Python will then run from the prompt fine and seems _almost_ there.

It looks like some more magic is needed in Modules/getpath.c to 
get the sys.path and sys.prefix and sys.executable to point to the
right place.  sys.path includes the build directories but not the
real libs.  sys.executable/sys.prefix will try to execute the 
Python library at Versions/2.2/Python.  This specifically shows up when
building the mxBase stuff.  Other, simple modules (like bsddb3) work fine.

Overall, this is an big step towards getting python to play well on OSX.

--Bill Noon
Cornell University