[Pythonmac-SIG] "Official" mac python Docs Project

Chris Barker cbarker@jps.net
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 10:39:43 -0700

Hi all,

I am embarking on the project of updating the "official" MacPython Docs.
There is a whole lot to be documented, but for the moment, I am focusing
on the " official" docs because they are included in the main doc tree
people find on the main Python Web site. I am also a fan of LaTeX, and
the Python docs LaTeX  format allows very nice printed (Postscript and
PDF) and html docs from the same source, all with free software. I know
of no better way to do that. (SGML+docbook is a good option too, but I'm
not sure what free tools there are to manipulate it, and there is a lot
more markup to do than for LaTeX. I think the Python docs are headed
that way, however)

As it stands, there is obsolete info in there, plus a whole lot missing.
My plan is as follows:

My first goal is to make sure there is nothing incorrect in the
document. The next step is to start adding stuff, with the goal of
making it complete!

I will go thru the docs to see what is listed in there, and try to
import every listed module. Any I find that don't work, I'll post here,
and someone can tell me what the status is.

In the meantime, feel free to send me documentation of any modules that
are not currently in that document, as well as notes about things like
the IDE, using tkinter, embedding/extending on the mac, etc. If you are
sending me more than a few sentences, it wouold be great if you could
send it in Python-doc-LaTeX form. (NOTE: it's mostly just LaTeX, but it
has some special markup and restrictions, so that it can be processes by
LateX2html, there is a doc about docs, if you want to know how to do it)
If you don't want to deal with that, I will gladly take it in any form
you give it to me.

Thanks for all the help I know you will give me!!!


What version of MacPython should I be documenting? is the fianl version
of 1.6 out? what about 2.0 (I know you just released and alpha of the
installer, but should I try to document that?)


Christopher Barker,
cbarker@jps.net                      ---           ---           ---
http://www.jps.net/cbarker          -----@@       -----@@       -----@@
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