[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.0c1 and LinearAlgebra/Matrix

Paul Miller paulm@avacadcam.com
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 14:00:57 +0100

I think you can work around the problem by adding to sys.path:


allows import Matrix and LinearAlgebra to work (well it seems to fix the
stuff I'm using it for).

sys.path now looks like:

['Working Disk:Python 2.0c1:Mac:Tools:IDE', 'Working Disk:Python 2.0c1:',
'working disk:python 2.0c1', 'working disk:python 2.0c1:mac:plugins',
'working disk:python 2.0c1:mac:lib', 'working disk:python
2.0c1:mac:lib:lib-toolbox', 'working disk:python
2.0c1:mac:lib:lib-scriptpackages', 'working disk:python 2.0c1:lib', 'working
disk:python 2.0c1:extensions:img:mac', 'working disk:python
2.0c1:extensions:img:lib', 'working disk:python
2.0c1:extensions:numerical:lib', 'working disk:python
2.0c1:extensions:imaging:pil', 'working disk:python 2.0c1:lib:lib-tk',
'working disk:python 2.0c1:lib:site-packages', 'working disk:python

Presumably you need similar additions for the other sub-folders in

Paul Miller

> From: Jack Jansen <jack@oratrix.nl>
> Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 23:40:03 +0200
> To: Paul Miller <paulm@avacadcam.com>
> Cc: pythonmac-sig@python.org
> Subject: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.0c1 and LinearAlgebra/Matrix
> Recently, Paul Miller <paulm@avacadcam.com> said:
>> I am having problems using Numeric with Python 2.0c1:
>> import LinearAlgebra
>> and 
>> import Matrix
>> both report that the modules are missing.  Both of these worked with 2.0b1.
>> Is this a bug, or have I just missed something?
> No, this is a bug. And a difficult one to fix:-(
> Let me explain, maybe someone has a simple solution. The Numerical
> people have gone over to distutils completely, but unfortunately
> distutils doesn't work on the Mac yet. Actually it could work, because
> some of us have put quite some effort into it over the last couple of
> weeks, but the distutils crowd chose to exclude the Mac stuff for the
> 2.0 release. This is sort-of understandable, and I might even
> grudglingly agree with them (grudgingly, because I spent hours to get
> things working just vefore I left on holidays only to find that
> nothing had happened with the code when I returned two weeks later:-(
> ), but it leaves the Numeric/MacPython combo is a sad state. The old
> method of simply adding Numeric:Lib to sys.path doesn't work anymore,
> and the new distutils method doesn't work yet.
> I could manually revert my sourcetree to the old state before the
> distribution, but maybe someone has a better idea?
> --
> Jack Jansen             | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
> Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++
> www.oratrix.nl/~jack    | see http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/spg-l/sigaction.htm