[Pythonmac-SIG] ftplib with 1.6a2

Chris Barker cbarker@jps.net
Fri, 28 Jul 2000 10:00:42 -0700

Jack Jansen wrote:
> Recently, Chris_Barker@hazmat.noaa.gov (Chris Barker) said:
> > I have earlier refered to problems with ftplib in 1.6a2. Jack sent a note
> > saying it worked for him, but it wasn't clear to me whether he meant 1.5
> > or 1.6 . Anyway, this is what I get when I try to use ftplib.
> > [...]
> > ftplib.error_temp: 425 Data connection reset by client.
> Are you behind some strange type of firewall?

Maybe, but when I run it, I'm on the same side of any firewall as the
ftp server. The main issue here is that the exact same code works with
the exact same ftp server with the exact same setting from the exact
same client machine, running 1.5.2c1 rather than 1.6a2, so something
MUST have changed in ftplib. does anyone know what? By the way it also
works with 1.5.2 uhder linux I don't have 1.6 for linux, so I havn't
tried that.

> ftplib tries to discover
> firewalls, but it does not always succeed (you can use set_pasv(1) to
> always make it do its firewall-circumvention tricks).

I'll try that, and I'll try using set_debuglevel as well, to try and get
more info.

> The error you get here is not a bug but a genuine error returned by
> the FTP-server: the client (i.e. your program) has closed the data
> connection.

Well, yes, but as I read it, the server is complaining that the client
has closed the connection, not the other way around. Doesn't this mean
that ftplib has closed the connection when I didn't ask it to? That
would be a bug (or some wierd firwall thing). Granted I know nothing
about the ftp protocalls, but something must have changed in ftplib,
because the behaviour is changing. I have run this A LOT of times, with
very consitent results, so it's not a temporary networking glitch.

I'll post again if I get any info from setting a higher debug level.


Christopher Barker,
cbarker@jps.net                      ---           ---           ---
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