[Pythonmac-SIG] BuildApplication

Just van Rossum just@letterror.com
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 22:06:40 +0100

At 12:35 PM -0700 17-07-2000, Chris Barker wrote:
>I'm trying to use BuildApplication to build an application (what else?)
>that uses ftplib.
>It crashes with a "macmodulefinder.Missing: ['SOCKS']" error.
>It seems to work fine on simpler scripts with no ftplib, and it crashes
>the same way on a very simple script with ftplib, so I'm guessing that's
>the problem. I'm also guessing that 'SOCKS' has something to do with
>sockets, but I have no idea what to do now.
>The script runs fine if I drop it on the Python interpretter, so all the
>required libraries are there.

A workaround for now would be to uncomment the lines

	if error:
		raise Missing, error

from macmodulefinder.py. (This is only for 1.5.2c1)
