[Pythonmac-SIG] PIL broken?

Dante dante@oz.net
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 12:56:04 -0800

>At 9:28 PM -0800 19-01-2000, Dante wrote:
>  >I can't get MacPython to import PIL out of the box. The scripts in
>  >Python 1.5.2c1:Extensions:Imaging:Scripts: throw ImportError's
>  >whenever I run them. I deleted my python preferences and did a clean
>  >installation and I still get this.
>I'm not sure if the right paths for PIL are in the default sys.path. Have
>you tried EditPythonPrefs?

Yes, silly me. adding $(PYTHON):Extensions:Imaging:PIL fixed the 
problem. I deleted my python preferences again and reinstalled just 
to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

Shouldn't this be in the path of the PythonInterpreter by default?
