[Pythonmac-SIG] Using Python .py scripts for CGI with personal web sharing

Chris Barker cbarker@jps.net
Tue, 01 Aug 2000 10:34:54 -0700


Thanks for your note on this.

I'm trying to get it working, with no success. I've put the
PythonCGISlave applet in by Web Pages:cgi-bin folder, and set a Personal
Web Sharing Launch at suffix action to launch it, but it doesn't seem to
get launched. I just get a "A CGI or internal server component could not
complete the requested action." error from netscape. the url that shows
up in netscape is the python script that I'm trying to run, and it does
have a .py suffix.

I have no idea how to debug this! any ideas?


Christopher Barker,
cbarker@jps.net                      ---           ---           ---
http://www.jps.net/cbarker          -----@@       -----@@       -----@@
                                   ------@@@     ------@@@     ------@@@
Water Resources Engineering       ------   @    ------   @   ------   @
Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics -------      ---------     --------    