[Pythonmac-SIG] Crash in MacPython 1.5.2c2 and Tk oddities

Bob Savage savageb@pacbell.net
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 15:27:14 -0700

on 4/19/00 9:11 AM, Russell E Owen wrote:
> Are you saying that scripts exit properly under the interpreter for
> you? That is if you have
> root = Tk()
> .... make a window with a quit button that calls root.quit()
> root.mainloop()
> that your script exits properly when the quit button is pushed?

Russell, I looked over some examples and I don't see any that use a
root.quit() method. I see examples that call sys.exit and I see examples
that don't call anything (the cmd-Q behavior must be inherited implicitely).
The latter includes the sample code you posted BTW. So I would have to call
the root.quit() behavior undefined ;)

> I wasn't clear based on what you said afterwards about always using
> cmd-Q (i.e. do you always use cmd-Q in the IDE, but normal quit works
> in PythonInterpter).

Okay, you're starting to lose me :) I thought cmd-Q *was* the "normal quit".
