[Pythonmac-SIG] ldt's and aepack

Dan Green dgreen@rewindtech.com
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 15:23:02 -0400

Well, the ldt's work fine now.

Only changes required are:

aepack.py @ line 165

if t == typeLongDate:
	a, b = struct.unpack('lL', desc.data)
	return (long(a) << 32) + b

AEDataModel.py @ line 24

typeLongDate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ldt ')

Thought it'd probably make sense to make this part of the next release.
I haven't looked into how to convert it back properly...

(thanks muchly to Corran Webster for knowing way more about data types than I
Dan Green           | "So What? It's your problem to learn to live with,
Developer           |  destroy us, or make us saints."
Rewind Technologies |  -- Ministry, "So What?"