[Pythonmac-SIG] interslip module problems in mac tutorial

Craig Hagerman craig@osa.att.ne.jp
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 16:44:28 +0900 (JST)

I want to thank the people who earlier gave me some great responses to my
beginner questions (and apologise for forgetting the subject line DUH!).

I have been reading through the html tutorial contained in the Mac
distribution, and also some of the Inside Macintosh books. But I have found
myself stumped with "part one" of the tutorial - a simple program that
allows you to control InterSLIP. In brief I have a problem with interSLIP -
I can find no way of getting the module to load (and can't find such a
module on my system) and so always get the "file not found" error returned
from the Python Interpretor.

In the tutorial it says that there is still a slight problem wiht the
Python interslip module and the workaround is to load the driver first. I
had never heard of interSLIP before (I have used nothing but PPP since
using macs 5 years ago) and didn't have a copy. After a short online hunt I
downloaded a copy and installed it, hit connect, and then quit and then
tried the "Part One" example again ( InterslipControl-1.py ) ... to no
effect. After that I read the interSLIP documentation and realised I have
to change the TCP/IP control panel, and discovered interSLIP had been
attempting to dial N.American phone numbers before (I am in Japan). I
changed all of this... and again keep getting the same error messages. My
wonder if I am not setting up the interSLIP program correctly (don't really
know too much about PPP, SLIP or TCP other than I have been told PPP is a
better transfer protocol). Just in case the problem really is with the
interslip module (as the error says) I did a search for it, and found no
such module. Could it be that this just isn't in the Python distribution I

Can anyone explain to me what is going on, and how to get this tutorial
example to work??

	Craig Hagerman